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Full Moon in Scorpio 04/2024

The Scorpio Full Moon, appearing on April 23rd, 2024 PT and on April 24th CET, presents its unique challenges and opportunities. Traditionally, the Moon is deemed in detriment in Scorpio, hindering its expression of energy, resulting in a complex dynamic.

Despite the tumultuous nature of a Scorpio Full Moon, there’s an undeniable allure to its transformative essence, especially when paired with the intuitive, feminine energies of the Full Moon. Amidst external chaos and emotional turbulence, delving inward during this time can yield profound wisdom, heightened intuition, and a sense of renewal.

Scorpio, symbolizing transformation, offers the chance for personal rebirth, akin to the phoenix rising from the ashes. Referred to as the Buddha Moon, it’s celebrated for thinning the veil between dimensions, fostering enlightenment. Embracing one’s journey of birth, enlightenment, and renewal under this moon can be deeply rewarding.

The Scorpio Moon facilitates a deeper connection with spirit guides and intuition, especially conducive to receiving insights. Following the intense Aries Solar Eclipse and the ongoing Jupiter Uranus Conjunction earlier in April, this Full Moon aids in digesting recent changes and discerning what no longer serves us.

It’s a liberating time to release burdens and embrace personal power, guided by the introspective nature of Scorpio. With influences from Jupiter and Uranus, promoting freedom, shedding old layers becomes essential for growth and liberation.

In the face of chaos and emotional upheaval, creating space to honor personal cycles of transformation and seeking liberation is crucial. To harness the energies of the 2024 Scorpio Full Moon:

Embrace transformation

Release what no longer serves

Seek deeper truths

Liberate yourself

Navigate emotional waves

Trust your intuition

Celebrate cycles of renewal.

Full Moon Kundalini Yoga

Surrender, let go, and find liberation as we harness the lunar energy to cleanse and renew our spirits under the night sky.

Welcome to our Full Moon Kundalini Yoga Class, where we’ll embrace the mystical energy of the Scorpio full moon to release what no longer serves us and invite transformation into our lives. Join us as we surrender to the lunar cycle, letting go of tensions and barriers, and allowing the moon’s radiant light to cleanse and renew our spirits. Through Kundalini yoga practices, we’ll tap into our inner power and connect with the transformative energies of the cosmos, fostering deep healing and spiritual growth. Let the magic of the full moon in Scorpio guide you on a journey of self-discovery and liberation under the enchanting night sky.

You can join online or offline at Matsya Yoga Academy in 1080 Vienna.

Full Moon Message for your Sign

You can read it for your sun sign, rising sign and moon sign.


April’s full moon in Scorpio urges you to realign your social engagements with your core values. Delving into your eighth house, it prompts a reevaluation of your deeper commitments and relationships. Embrace this opportunity to release superficial connections and cultivate more meaningful bonds in line with your soul’s journey.


Scorpio’s full moon casts its light on your seventh house, prompting a review of your one-on-one relationships. Emotions run deep as you confront hidden dynamics within partnerships. Balance asserting your individuality with meeting the needs of significant others amid shifts in your professional life.


Reflect on your daily routines and health habits under April’s Scorpio full moon in your sixth house. Dive deep to uncover unconscious patterns affecting your well-being. Embrace this chance to discard unproductive habits and align your actions with your long-term goals for a healthier lifestyle.


Engage in your creative pursuits and honor your true self-expression as Scorpio’s full moon illuminates your fifth house. Navigate power dynamics in relationships, addressing issues of control and intimacy. Strike a balance between personal expression and social expectations.


Address underlying issues in your personal life as the Scorpio full moon spotlights your fourth house. Confront emotional matters affecting your sense of security and familial dynamics. Embrace discomfort for the opportunity to build stronger foundations in your relationships.


April’s full moon in Scorpio illuminates your communication style and immediate environment, prompting a transformation in your thought patterns. Embrace the opportunity to overhaul routines and explore new horizons, despite the tug of routine responsibilities.


Reassess your values and sense of self-worth under Scorpio’s full moon in your second house. Address challenges related to support, seeking a balance between independence and interdependence. Initiate necessary changes to enhance personal stability and fulfillment.


 Embrace personal revelations and emotional depth as the full moon illuminates your sign. Confront shadows and transform unhealthy patterns, particularly in your home and family dynamics. Use challenges within partnerships as opportunities for growth and strengthening bonds.


Explore your inner world and confront unresolved issues from the past under Scorpio’s full moon. Embrace emotional healing and self-discovery, allowing for spiritual and emotional growth. Reflect on your communication style and interactions with others for personal evolution.


Evaluate your social endeavors and aspirations under Scorpio’s full moon in your 11th house. Reassess your values and contributions to society, aligning material desires with broader goals. Question how personal growth impacts your role within community affairs.


Reevaluate your public persona and career trajectory under Scorpio’s full moon in your 10th house. Restructure aspects of your life to align with personal evolution, especially as it impacts professional responsibilities. Navigate the demands of authority with authenticity and adaptability.


Embrace adventure and self-discovery under Scorpio’s full moon in your ninth house. Confront fears and expand your horizons, balancing inner growth with external exploration. Adapt your communication style to accommodate newfound insights and personal evolution.

Your Full Moon Affirmation


 “I align my social connections with my soul’s purpose.”


“I nurture meaningful relationships rooted in authenticity.”


 “I embrace healthy habits for mind, body, and soul.”


“I express my true self with confidence and grace.”


“I build strong foundations of love and security.”


 “I embrace change and explore new horizons.”


“I am worthy of stability and abundance.”


“I transform challenges into opportunities for growth.”


“I delve into self-discovery with courage and curiosity.”


“I contribute positively to my community with integrity.”


 “I embrace authenticity in my career and personal life.”


 “I expand my horizons with fearless exploration.”

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