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New Moon in Capricorn 01/2024

This Thursday heralds the arrival of the New Moon in Capricorn, prompting reflection on stability, work, and achievements.

The overarching theme this month centers around constructing a robust foundation for tangible results in the coming year. It’s a time for focus, simplification, and efficient energy channeling to align with authentic desires, ensuring the enduring impact of intentions.

Under Capricorn’s influence, symbolized by the agile Sea-Goat, we’re urged to be ambitious and recognize our capabilities. Set goals for the next six months, taking responsibility for the life you envision.

As we transition from 2023 to the New Year, assess the stability of key life pillars โ€“ career, family, partnerships, finances, and projects. Direct your energy towards areas needing support.

Capricorn’s highest expression calls for wisdom, patience, and balanced provision. Whether you’re industrious or laid-back, now is the time to work smarter, avoiding burnout. Manage your time effectively and be honest with choices, steering clear of shadow traits.

On January 11 at 12:58 pm CET ( 6:53 am ET) , the New Moon in Capricorn will occur. Utilize this energy to set conscious and aware intentions, laying the groundwork for personal and collective growth. This stable New Moon precedes potent 2024 astrological events, emphasizing mindful choices.

During the New Moon, the darkened sky symbolizes a blank slate for intentions. Approach these days with conscious attention, as they influence your month. Set intentions aligning with true desires, shaping life for years to come.

Avoid distractions, embrace conscious decision-making, and open yourself to possibilities at the Full Moon in Leo in two weeks. Reflect on evolving foundations, set authentic goals, and ponder critical questions about your long-term vision, life’s meaning, and discipline.

Ask yourself following questions:

  1. What are your long-term goals? What are the steps needed to achieve them?
  2. What do you want to start building today that’s worth your valuable time and energy?
  3. Does your life have a sense of meaning and purpose?
  4. Do you feel burdened by guilt and judgments? Or is there a responsibility you’ve been putting off?
  5. Do any parts of you fear starting over, changing course, or delegating?
  6. Do you follow through and fulfill your commitments?
  7. Is there a part of your life that could use more discipline and focus? Or are you burying yourself with work and avoiding your emotions?

Embark on a soul-nurturing journey with Aylin as she generously hosts a sacred, donation-based NEW MOON Workshop this Sunday, January 14th, in the ethereal realm of online connectivity. Immerse yourself in the cosmic energies from 19:00 to 20:30 pm CET as Aylin guides you through an enchanting experience designed to align your spirit with the celestial rhythms.

Don’t miss the opportunity to bask in the spiritual glow of this lunar event. Experience the magic of intentional rituals with Aylin. Secure your sacred space by clicking the button down below and join us on this divine exploration.

Rituals provide a powerful avenue for connecting with the spiritual realms, fostering a sense of mindfulness and tranquility.

Aylin invites you to join this immersive experience where the ritualistic practices harmonize with the cosmic energies, creating a space for reflection, intention-setting, and personal transformation.

Engaging in rituals like these not only connects us to the cosmic flow but also offers numerous positive benefits. They can enhance focus, reduce stress, and instill a sense of purpose and grounding. As you participate in this sacred ritual, allow yourself to embrace the transformative energy of the New Moon in Capricorn, nurturing your inner self and unlocking the positive shifts that ritualistic practices can bring.

Your Divine Message for your Sign

You can read it for your Sun sign, Rising sign and Moon sign.ย 

Aries โ™ˆ

Step into your destined leadership role, Aries. The New Moon in Capricorn energizes your 10th house of career and legacy, urging you to set intentions for professional goals. With Mars in this determined earth sign, wisely allocate your time and energy for potential financial and professional growth. Your efforts now can yield long-term success.

Taurus โ™‰

Gain a fresh perspective on your professional path, Taurus. The New Moon activates your ninth house, aligning financial goals with core values. Reflect on personal beliefs and strategies, ensuring your efforts lead to both material and personal fulfillment. Look for practical and productive opportunities as you build towards stability and security.

Gemini โ™Š

Evaluate your partnerships, Gemini. The New Moon in your eighth house emphasizes financial ventures and collaborations. Saturn’s influence calls for a serious and strategic approach. Honest conversations about responsibilities contribute to stability, whether in personal or professional connections.

Cancer โ™‹

Focus on partnerships and commitments, Cancer. The New Moon in Capricorn renews your seventh house, urging you to assess the maturity and stability of relationships. Be practical and plan for the long term. Honest self-reflection is key to building accountable and lasting connections.

Leo โ™Œ

Master your daily routines, Leo. The New Moon in your sixth house prompts you to create structure in health and work routines. Reevaluate and revamp your current habits to align with future goals. Declutter your workspace and prioritize mindfulness for a lasting legacy.

Virgo โ™

Clarify your passions, Virgo. The New Moon in Capricorn energizes your fifth house, offering opportunities for refining talents. Apply Saturn’s discipline to creative projects, setting practical goals. Showcase your abilities with seriousness and consider new avenues for broader recognition.

Libra โ™Ž

Rediscover your passions, Libra. The New Moon in your expressive fifth house emphasizes creativity and self-expression. Apply Capricorn’s discipline to passion projects, setting practical goals. Explore new ways to share your talents with a wider audience.

Scorpio โ™

Enhance communication skills, Scorpio. The New Moon in Capricorn activates your third house, emphasizing collaborations and intellectual pursuits. Develop and refine your techniques with a methodical approach to knowledge and problem-solving.

Sagittarius โ™

Strengthen financial foundations, Sagittarius. The New Moon in your second house calls for discipline and pragmatism in spending and security. Build a practical foundation for future financial stability, exploring new investment strategies.

Capricorn โ™‘

Celebrate personal growth, Capricorn. The New Moon in your sign marks the start of the lunar cycle, inviting intentions for self-improvement and accomplishments. Focus on evolving and improving, committing to a journey of self-development.

Aquarius โ™’

Turn inward for healing, Aquarius. The New Moon in your 12th house emphasizes introspection and addressing unconscious patterns. Create a private space for self-reflection and healing to clear past traumas and self-sabotage.

Pisces โ™“

Ground your visions, Pisces. The New Moon in Capricorn activates your 11th house, encouraging practical plans for success and notoriety. Set achievable milestones, collaborate, and strengthen ties with colleagues for tangible growth in your professional goals.

Your New Moon Affirmation

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